
The popular expression of a people.


The music of Corrientes has an unmistakable rhythm “EL CHAMAME“, which has its roots in the union of the Guarani culture with European music and constitutes the typical music and dance of the province. Other very popular rhythms are: rasguido doble, valseado and polca de Corrientes.

The characteristic instruments are the guitar and the accordion.

Every year, during the month of January, the National and Mercosur festival of the Chamame is celebrated. The genre synthesizes in its melodies, its poetry and its dance the true nucleus of the Correntinian culture. The festival receives on its stage countless artists from the region, other provinces as well as Uruguay, Paraguay and Brazil. The most important figures of the chámame parade for ten nights at the Amphitheater “Mario del Transito Cocomarola”, participating in one of the largest popular festivals in the country. Here originates the famous Sapukai, the characteristic musical scream full of passion of the Correntinian that explodes in his throat from within.

Upcoming Dates

National Chamamé Festival

2021: from January 15 to 24. Chamamé en la ciudad

La Peña del Arte
Every Saturday 17hs.
Location: Parque Mitre.

Peña de la Ciudad
Every Sunday 17hs.
Location:  Paseo Arazaty.